Explain to me what your solution does in one, easy to understand paragraph.
What are the top 3 challenges that you help firms to overcome?
What are the risks if firms fail to tackle these challenges?
What makes your solution different from the competition?
I'm a prospective client, explain (in simple terms) the typical buying process I can expect for your solution.
How do you feel about the way financial services regulation is changing?
What is the one piece of advice you would give to a firm facing today's regulatory landscape?
Any solution/service development plans that you would like to share?
vendor showcase q&A
Olivia Fahy
I'm an English speaking alien who has just landed on earth. Explain to me what your solution does in an easy to understand way.
<p class="font_8">Hemisphere is a unique solution that shows a firm how their employees are really communicating. This means that a firm can understand who influences who and therefore how they can make change happen. This is of huge value to larger firms where there might be many layers of hierarchy</p>
Andrew Pullman
PeopleClear SMCR
I'm an English speaking alien who has just landed on earth. Explain to me what your solution does in an easy to understand way.
PeopleClear SMCR is a user friendly technology solution helping firms manage the Senior Management and Certification regulatory processes in the UK. All financial services firms have to demonstrate to the regulators how their firm is run and who does what. The firm’s managers are accountable for their assigned functions and the decisions they make and ensure that all their key people are assessed as fit, proper and competent annually, and throughout the year. PeopleClear enables clarity of the process, outcomes and evidence to support these important management decisions. A key element is the easy-to-use reporting capability of the system.
David McNair Scott
I'm an English speaking alien who has just landed on earth. Explain to me what your solution does in an easy to understand way.
Trailight kicks butt